Monday, September 1, 2014

Minds Wide Open

If only I could say all the things I want
To really speak my mind
I suppose if I do that
I must not be caught
Because I walk a fine line.
To say all I want
To share all my thoughts
You'd think would be easier than it seems
Truth be told
No matter how old
To lay it all out would
Equal lying in a guillotine.

I suppose that's dramatic
Or maybe a poor habit
Truthfully I suppose I could
But reality is
It's not really my wish
But contempt caught my tongue.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


No amount of career success
Or financial gain
Will ever amount to loving someone
And to have the love returned
The whimsy and wonder
Of a new leaf turned over
the moment where our eyes locked
And our hearts let us know
To grow and cultivate a shared story
The tale of our love, kismet for you and me
It reminds me why no one else ever worked
Because in the deepest corners of my heart
The waiting would prove it's worth

To have loved and lost is the sharpest pain
But to have not loved at all,
A soul dwells in perpetual rain.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

October (a poem)

I dream of hayrides and silos and drinking cider in flannels
Pumpkins and spice are a welcomed surprise
And when we walk hand-in-hand
With the leaves crunching beneath us
I'm glad to have someone who understands
The magic in the moment during the best season
A world without Octobers would be a world not worth living
Winter has Christmas; summer breezes, and spring new beginnings
But the love of autumn is unmatched
Who can deny the nostalgia of unpacking sweaters and beanie hats?
Anne of Green Gables and Jack Skellington
Empathize with my penchant for this season
The colours, the flavours, and the undeniable scent
Are just some of the reasons why
October is Heaven sent.